1. The Rapture (Le Ravissement) - film review - DMovies
27 nov 2023 · First-time French director crafts a nail-biting, suspenseful tale of unrequited love, stolen motherhood and female invidiousness
First-time director crafts a nail-biting, suspenseful tale of unrequited love, stolen motherhood and female invidiousness - from the 41st Turin International Film Festival
2. Le Ravissement (Movie, 2023) - MovieMeter.com
Le Ravissement (2023) · Genre: Drama · Duration: 97 minuten · Alternative title: The Rapture · Country: France · Directed by: Iris Kaltenbäck · Stars: Hafsia Herzi, ...
Drama movie.
3. Cannes 2023 review: Le Ravissement (Iris Kaltenbäck)
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"It is choices like this that make Le Ravissement a compelling drama, and if this is what Kaltenbäck can do on her debut then the 35-year-old has a bright
4. LE RAVISSEMENT - Torino Film Festival
The Rapture is her first feature film and premeried in Cannes, at Film Critic's Week. Le Vol des cigognes (cm, 2015), Le Ravissement (2023).
5. 'The Rapture': Cannes Review - Screen Daily
20 mei 2023 · The Rapture (Le Ravissement) is the first feature from writer/director Iris Kaltenbäck, and suggests she's a talent to watch.
A Parisian midwife takes a strange interest in her best friend's baby in this slow-burn thriller
6. THE RAPTURE (2023) - Block Museum - Northwestern University
The first feature film by French director Iris Kaltenbäck, THE RAPTURE (LE RAVISSEMENT) premiered at the 2023 Cannes Critics' Week where it won the Prix SACD.
THE RAPTURE (2023) is a slow-burn thriller dealing with the complexities of motherhood, romantic relationships, and friendship by French director Iris Kaltenbäck.
7. The Rapture (Le Ravissement) - Cineuropa
original title: Le Ravissement ; country: France ; sales agent: Be for Films ; year: 2023 ; genre: fiction.
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema
8. About The Rapture | La Semaine de la Critique of Festival de Cannes
... film in our day and age: how did we want to film it? If we've often seen ... Le Ravissement The Rapture. 2023. Feature Film. See movie. La Semaine de la ...
Interview with Iris Kaltenbäck"When my best friend became a mother, it turned my life upside down. I feel we speak a lot about how a baby affects a romantic relationship, by how it affects friendship not as much. One friend is shaken to her core and the other one must deal with it. In very close relationships, you go through several steps in life together and, all of a sudden, you don’t know how to be part of this friendship anymore. A news story really caught my attention; a young woman borrowed her best friend’s child and made a man believe the child was hers. I was always very moved by skewed or troubled stories about motherhood, whether it be a story of a woman who becomes a mother, one who bears a child, or one who is not. You can very well be a mother and feel none of the expected emotions, and conversely, a woman who doesn’t have a child can fall for the myth of motherhood and become a mother without ever really wanting to be one. The core of that matter raised interesting issues about womanhood. Whether you are a mother or not, whether you want to be one or not, I feel there’s always a moment in life when you have to deal with the myth. And that story resonates with all of these issues.
Basée à Paris et Bruxelles, Be For Films est la société de ventes internationales de LE RAVISSEMENT, film d'Iris KALTENBÄCK. ... 2023 – France – Drama.
Basée à Paris et Bruxelles, Be For Films est la société de ventes internationales deTHE RAPTURE, film d'Iris KALTENBÄCK.
10. THE RAPTURE / Le Ravissement (France) - Desert Film Society
15 jun 2024 · Far from didactic, the film reveals complex feelings and expectations about motherhood, romantic relationships, and friendship that bear down on ...
June 15, 2024 @ 10:00 am to approx. 12:30 pm
11. The RapturE - Providence French and Francophone Film Festival
Le ravissement premiered during Critics' Week at the Cannes Film Festival in 2023, where it won the Prix SACD de la Semaine de la Critique. Its lead actress, ...
SYNOPSIS Lydia, a midwife highly invested in her career, has completely lost control of her life. Was it due to heartbreak, her best friend Salomé's pregnancy, or meeting Milos, with whom she could...
12. THE RAPTURE (LE RAVISSEMENT) - Chicago Mental Health Film ...
6 mei 2024 · Far from didactic, the film reveals the complex feelings and expectations about motherhood, romantic relationships, and friendship that bear ...
Friday, May 24th
13. Le ravissement - Zurich Film Festival
Secondary title. The Rapture ; Country / Year. France / 2023 ; Duration. 97 Min. ; Languages. French ; Subtitles · German. English.
Newly separated, Lydia throws herself into her job as a midwife, the main objective being to distract herself from her heartbreak. When best friend Salomé suddenly announces she's pregnant, Lydia has one more reason to continue not taking time out for herself. But when a few months later Lydia, carrying her friend’s baby in her arms, runs into her one-night stand Milos, she crosses a line that sees her become entangled in a web of lies. Iris Kaltenbäck's drama is as suspenseful as a thriller and hits at the very epicentre of broken hearts.
14. The Rapture de Iris Kaltenbäck (2023) - Unifrance
A dedicated midwife is in the middle of a breakup. At the time, her best friend Salomé tells her she is pregnant and asks her to monitor her pregnancy.
10 TO WATCH - We had the opportunity to sit down with the visionary Iris Kaltenbäck, director of the film “The Rapture” ("Le Ravissement"), a story that intertwines love, deception, and the complexities of friendship. 🌹.
15. Le Ravissement, The Rapture (2023) - FilmTotaal
Bevat niet: first | Resultaten tonen met:first
Drama uit Frankrijk. Regie Iris Kaltenbäck. Op dezelfde dag dat Lydia's vriend hun jarenlange relatie verbreekt, vertelt haar beste vriendin Salomé dat ze zwanger is. Vanaf dat moment stort een...
16. Review: The Rapture - Cineuropa
20 mei 2023 · ... 2023 - CANNES 2023: Iris Kaltenbäck helms a gripping ... Tous brigueront le César du meilleur film · 24/01/2024 | César 2024 ...
20/05/2023 - CANNES 2023: Iris Kaltenbäck helms a gripping feature debut, depicting a young woman weakened by a lack of love and the solitude of the city, whose life slowly turns upside down
17. Le Ravissement, a drama of love and motherhood: discover the trailer
31 aug 2023 · The selection of Le Ravissement for Critics' Week at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival testifies to the quality of the work and its potential to ...
The Rapture, directed by Iris Kaltenbäck, presents a drama of love and motherhood that was in competition at the Critics' Week of the Cannes Film Festival 2023. The film is due in cinemas on October 11, 2023. In the meantime, check out the trailer.
18. Le ravissement (laatste kans) - Filmhuis Lumen
vanaf donderdag 26 oktober 2023. Op ... Het speelfilmdebuut van regisseur Iris Kaltenbäck ging in première op de Semaine de la Critique in Cannes, werd er bekroond met de SACD Award en ontving internationaal lovende kritieken.
Op dezelfde dag dat Lydia’s vriend hun jarenlange relatie verbreekt, vertelt haar beste vriendin Salomé dat ze zwanger is. Vanaf dat moment stort een verdoofde Lydia zich volledig op haar werk als vroedvrouw en op de zorg voor haar vriendin. Steeds verder raakt ze verzonken in haar eigen wereld, totdat ze op een avond Milos ontmoet en een one night stand beleeft.